Blue Cross Blue Shield Gives Big!

Connie Timpson  |  April 24, 2012
last updated

Blue Cross Blue Shield donates bikes to kids in Chicago Blue Cross, Blue Shield, of Illinois, strengthened their team with a Build-A-Bike® team-building event in Oak Brook, Illinois, near Chicago and gave a little miracle to some kids who need it. 

Targeting Chicago’s inner-city teens, BCBS reached out and touched some kids with kindness, and a life-changing gift.  These kids are “at-risk” meaning they have already lived some of the most difficult times of their lives, and the future does not look much different.  BCBS wants to help change that. 

BCBS Donates Dozens of Bikes to Charity!

Lots of Fun at BCBS Build-A-Bike in Chicago These caring people did not have to care about these kids.  They are not family.  But they care deeply.  They want these kids to have a better chance in life. So, hand in hand with the Boys and Girl’s Club, and The Leader’s Institute ®, they competed to solve some puzzles and build some bikes.  They negotiated some things, assembled some pieces, and helped other teams.  In the end, making sure the bikes were road-ready.

26 bikes stood ready to roll onto the streets of Chicago, during the critical times of these kids’ life.  Those twilight hours from 4-7 p.m. challenge these children every day.  Do they do homework?  Hang?  Get in trouble?  Now they have an incredible vehicle to help them climb mountains, both figuratively and literally, to choose a path to a healthy lifestyle, and make better choices.  To feel like someone who does not have to care about you – does care about you, is empowering, that feeling increases self-worth and pride. BCBS Makes Cash Donation to Kids

They Also Donated a Big Check (Literally.)

But that was not all, with a room full of adults biting back tears, Illinois, BCBS Director, Jay Todd Phillips, presented a $5,000 check to help make the lives of many other kids a whole lot better.  Even for this jaded facilitator, who knew it was going to happen, the tears just kept dripping.  It was a proud moment for BCBS and a thankful one for Chicago’s Inner-City, Boys and Girl’s Club.

For details about a team-building event in Chicago, Illinois, click here!

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Connie Timpson was an instructor for The Leader's Institute ® from 2008-2012. For more details, you can find her on LinkedIn.
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